Nollywood actress Biodun Okeowo, popularly known as Omo Borty, and her fiancé, Adeniyi Olabiyi, have left fans and colleagues in awe with the release of their stunning pre-wedding photos. The beautiful couple's captivating pictures have generated significant buzz in the entertainment industry, as they prepare to tie the knot in their highly anticipated wedding.

The pre-wedding photos showcase the lovebirds' undeniable chemistry, with Biodun looking radiant in her elegant outfits and Adeniyi dashing in his stylish attire. The couple's joy and happiness are palpable in each snapshot, hinting at a bright future together.

As the big day approaches, fans and well-wishers are eagerly awaiting the grand celebration, expecting it to be a memorable event in the Nollywood social calendar. With these enchanting pre-wedding photos, Biodun and Adeniyi have undoubtedly raised the bar for wedding photography in the industry.

Photo credits: online.