ABU Zaria Admission List 2021/2022 Session is what you’ve all been waiting for and we have had several persons asking when Ahmadu Bello University Zaria(ABU) school provisional admission list will be out.
All 2020/2021 aspirant who made Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) their choice institute, should note that ABU provisional admission list is finally out.

Candidates should start checking through the jamb admission portal to confirm their names and also the title of courses or departments they were admitted into.

After this article you won’t be asking yourself questions like;

How can I check my admission status on Ahmadu Bello University website portal?
How do I know if I have gained admission into ABU?
What is the cut-off mark for ABU?
Admitted candidates into ABU Zaria undergraduate programmes are also expected to accept or reject the admission

A big congratulations to those admitted to the University